3/2 Alpha Rev TWIN+1 Set
3/2 Alpha Rev TWIN+1 Set
Futures Fins 3/2 Reverse Alpha Twin + 1
The 3/2 Reverse Alpha Twin + 1 is designed to surf your favorite twin board at full throttle. The 3/2 Reverse refers to the twist in the foil through the top third of the fin that adds an additional 3 degrees of cant and 2 degrees less toe.
The Reverse aspect is that the toe angle straightens only in the tip. This creates two separate foil surfaces, one at the base of the fin and one at the tip, that both feature Future’s proprietary Vector foil. This unique foil keeps the fin engaged on rail, creating tons of drive, speed and grip. Pedal to the metal!
Cant at the fin base is 4 degrees, transitioning to 7 degrees at the tip make the fin feel looser.
Toe at the fin base is in respect to the box placement, transitioning to 2 degrees less at the tip gives a tight & engaged feel.
Style: 140532200
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