Sharp Eye Med Hc Tri Set


Sharp Eye Med Hc Tri Set


{“heading”:[“Sharp Eye MED HC Tri Set”],”description”:[“The Sharp Eye designed by shaper Marcio Zouvi, is a medium sized thruster in the neutral template category. Featuring a balanced flex pattern, this fin incorporates a wider base and a refined tip for great all-round performance in a variety of conditions. The large size template has been tested extensively by Championship Tour surfers Jack Robinson and Miguel Pupo

Template Category ” Neutral (balanced, all-around)
Construction ” Honeycomb
Ride Number ” Balanced – 6.1
Size ” Medium (65 – 88 kgs)”],”footer”:[“Style: 106710400″],”shaper”:[“”],”series”:[“Futures”],”tablehdr”:[{“hdata”:”Length”},{“hdata”:”Width”},{“hdata”:”Thickness”},{“hdata”:”Volume”}]}

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